Sunday, November 28, 2010

I Really Miss You!!! ♥

What the?! I really did not plan for this but why do I really have to feel this way?
T_T.. *sigh* I really miss you but you're not here with me. You said that all I need to do is just text or pm you but I think it's not enough.. *sigh*..
Hm, I feel the need to talk to you right now. Any topic is fine. You know, I'm really happy when talking to you.
To be honest, It's like a love at first sight. Haha.. I really did not believe in that saying but when I saw you, *aw* cupid hit me!.. Haha.. Well, maybe, It's not love. Maybe some kind of crush or infatuation or something. I don't know. I'm confuse. I'm not sure. *sigh*..

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