Sunday, November 28, 2010

I Really Miss You!!! ♥

What the?! I really did not plan for this but why do I really have to feel this way?
T_T.. *sigh* I really miss you but you're not here with me. You said that all I need to do is just text or pm you but I think it's not enough.. *sigh*..
Hm, I feel the need to talk to you right now. Any topic is fine. You know, I'm really happy when talking to you.
To be honest, It's like a love at first sight. Haha.. I really did not believe in that saying but when I saw you, *aw* cupid hit me!.. Haha.. Well, maybe, It's not love. Maybe some kind of crush or infatuation or something. I don't know. I'm confuse. I'm not sure. *sigh*..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A New Fresh Start!

What a cold and rainy night to start typing and all. *shiver*. 
Today is Sunday and tomorrow begins a new day to wake up early in the morning and go to school. *whew*. (not again?). haha.. Well, to tell it frankly, it is really hard to get up early in the morning just to go to school, sign for the attendance, fall in line like a military, and be well-behaved when our clinical instructor is near just to check us. And I'm doing it for 3 consecutive days. *sigh*..

Early this morning, I went to church and feel the presence of God. And on that moment, I also feel the fresh start for this week. I'm thinking this will be a good week although at the back of my mind, there will be lots of unexpected happenings, haha.. (wonder what will it be? hmm).. Oh, I almost forgot. This week also, I will be practicing on our college musical. I'm gonna sing and act. Weeee, good luck for me.. :p.. Hope I can practice well..^^

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Beginning

................... The word 'begin' means to initiate or to start. In this page, how should I really be starting?

On my watch, it is now already 8:36pm. To tell you the truth, it was my very first time making a blog (^-^).. But I think making a blog is like our modern diary as of today. And this modern diary is cool! ^^..You can now u.pload videos or songs and put it in your blog, make friends with another person via the net, and even share thoughts and make comments. Another is, you can also learn a lesson from every blogger. In every blogs that I've seen and read, I enjoy reading those who share their experiences in every situation they have been.

As of now, this will be my starting point. The beginning. And my journey starts here.........................