Wednesday, December 29, 2010

So Happy!

After having a whole day going out with him, it is such an overwhelming feeling. For the second time, I got to see his face. I love those eyes, almost like it was always smiling back at you..ha ha..

Really. This is the second time that I met him personally. I really enjoyed the moment. We ate, watched cinema, laughed in every stories, walk all over two malls ha ha.. 

Hm for me, the most unforgettable moment and unexpected was that he even bought me a gift. I really did not expected that he will give me a gift that day. He said that I should not worry and it will be alright because it is Christmas after all. At first, I don't want to receive it because it was way too expensive and I feel, I'm not worthy to receive it. Another was that, I didn't got him any present. But he insisted. I think for others, it is just an ordinary Christmas gift but for me, it is very special and of course, it comes from him. I almost cried..*sniff*
Hmm.. The most 'cheesy' line (ha ha) was what he said "No problem. What's important is that you enjoyed and that I was able to make you smile." :D But I do understand that it was only a friendly date. I don't want him to know that I have feelings for him. If ever there comes a time, I'm not ready yet for a relationship. Hmm..  I was afraid for maybe our friendship will end if he knows my feelings for him. For now, I want to treasure our friendship. 

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